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Chi siamo

In a dating group, a man hurt himself

Dating groups are communities on social networks ("In contact" and "Odnoklassniki"), where male persons express in text form a desire for romance with female persons, and female persons are in no hurry to get acquainted with men. Romance is the relationship between a man and a woman, when they are pleased to talk together, hug each other, kiss and live together. In 2022, there is still a trend that an ordinary man is less valuable than an ordinary woman. And you can verify this trend by logging into dating groups. In one of these groups, a man typed the following:

[h3][i]"Good afternoon. My name is Igor. I want to meet a girl for a relationship and start a family. I live in my apartment in the west of Moscow, in the Kuntsevsky district. I work as a storekeeper. Height — 180. Weight — 95"[/i][/h3]

[h3]Analysis of the male intention to get acquainted[/h3]
In the above-mentioned message, the man has the phrase "I live in my apartment" and the word "I work". At first it may seem that if a certain man typed that he has his own apartment and that he works, it's kind of good. But good for whom? Definitely not for this man. Phrases through which a man expressed the specifics of his financial security harm this man in terms of getting to know a girl, because they give a potential female person a hint that this man will bring a female person into his apartment for free and allow her not to work. This arrangement is good for a female person, but bad for a man.

[h3]Why is it bad to be a financially secure man?[/h3]
If you ask this question outside the context of dating female personalities, then there is nothing wrong with material security for a man. If a man wants to develop romance with a woman, this man should not say [I] "I'm working. I have an apartment. Women, please get to know me"[/i]. This phrase seems to say: [i] "I consider myself a low-value man, so I compensate for my low-value by being ready to put a woman in my apartment for free and give her the opportunity not to work"[/i].

[h3]What should men do then?[/h3]
If men want to live in a good relationship with a woman, these men need to think in the direction of equal value of men and women. And in 2022, the value of many men is still lower than the value of many women. A woman may not work, live with her parents, be fat, smoke cigarettes and drink alcoholic liquids, but if this woman wants to meet a man, this woman will have no problems finding the man who has his own apartment and works. Perhaps even a group of men will form that will compete for this unattractive woman. And what if the man who wants to meet a woman is fat, lives with his parents, does not work, is a smoker and a drinker? This man will remain without a romantic relationship. This suggests that there is currently no balance in the value of women and the value of men.

[h3]Women are more valuable than men. What's next?[/h3]
If ordinary women are valued by men more than ordinary men are valued by women, this is bad for men. How to increase the value of men? Definitely not with the phrase "I have an apartment and I work." What about then? So — not to get to know women, but to be ready to meet a woman. When the words "drive up" and "pickup" are associated not only with male actions, but also with female ones, then it will be clear that equality has come in terms of the value of women and the value of men. One of the men will say: [i] "Yes, then I will wait for a woman all my life and die alone"[/i]. Men who think so, let them know: attempts to get to know a woman will not improve, but only worsen the situation, because the initiative in heterosexual acquaintances is shown by the person who has less value than the person in respect of whom this initiative is taking place. So why should men further reduce their value? That's it, there's no need. <Citadel BJJ Cedar Rapids
