On November 30, 2017 it will take place the Open Event dedicated to the Masters at LUISS Business School. During the event you will have the chance to deepen contents and career opportunities related to each program with the coordinators and the Career Service.
Through personal interviews and simulation of the admission test, the Open Evening is intended to guide all candidates to the most suitable educational path that matches their needs and professional ambitions.
All programs offer an excellent education combined with field-project experience and, thanks to a deep relationship with the business world, we take into account the latest needs of sectors.
You will receive information on the following Masters:
Masters fully taught in English
- Master in Business Administration
- Master in Big Data Management
- Master in Corporate Finance & Banking – Major in Corporate Finance
- Master in Management and Technology with major in Energy Industry
- Master in Management and Technology with major in Digital Ecosystem
- Master in Management and Technology – Risk Management and Insurance
- Master in Tourism Management
- Master in International Management
- Master of Fashion & Luxury Management – Major Fashion
- Master of Fashion & Luxury Management – Major Luxury
Masters fully taught in Italian
- Master in Diritto Tributario, Contabilità e Pianificazione Fiscale
- Master in Gestione delle Risorse Umane e Organizzazione
- Master in Relazioni Istituzionali, Lobby e Comunicazione d’impresa
- Master in Corporate Finance & Banking – Major in Real Estate Finance
- Master in Corporate Finance & Banking – Major in Finanza aziendale
- Master in Corporate Finance & Banking – Major in Banking
- Master in M3 Marketing Management
- Master in Project Management
- Master in Management dei Prodotti Biomedicali
- Master in Trade Management
- Master in Tourism Management with a Major in Five Stars Hotel Management
- Master in Media Entertainment – Major Music
- Master in Media Entertainment – Major Gestione della Produzione Cinematografica e Televisiva
- Master in Media Entertainment – Master in Writing School for Cinema & Television
- Master of Art
- Master in Food & Wine Business
Specialisation programs
- Master in Consulente Legale d’Impresa – Prospettive Nazionali e Internazionali
- Event Management
- Management e Controllo dei Fondi Comunitari Euro-progettazione 2014/2020
- Advertising 3.0 & Creative Communication
The event will start at 5 pm, we advise you to bring your CV with you. The event is open to the public, for organisational reasons, please register to the link below.